Group Sound Bath with Hapé and Sananga Circle


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Sananga is commonly made from the roots and bark of Tabernaemontana undulata, a shrub which is found in Brazil and other South American countries. The bark and root is ground into a very fine powder and then extracted into a juice.

This sacred and powerful medicine is used to treat and prevent ocular diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, farsightedness, nearsightedness and even blindness.

Sananga is mostly utilized by the tribes found in the Amazon region such as, Kaxinawás, Matsés and Yawanawá. Some tribes in the Amazon region use Sananga to sharpen their night vision while hunting, however, sananga does more than that.

This powerful eye drop has a healing power that is more spiritual than physical, and has the capacity to increase insight in the minds of those who use it. Sananga is commonly used in preparation for kambo ceremonies due to its capacity to increase visual perception, enhance colors and remove unwanted energy.

• Treats and prevents ocular diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, farsightedness, nearsightedness, astigmatism, and blindness

• Detoxifies the body

• Increases visual perception and enhances colors

• Clears long-standing inner anger

• Used in conjunction, helps with mental disorders such as addiction, depression, and anxiety

• Resets energetic field

• Treats spiritual diseases (“panema”) caused by negative energies in the body. These spiritual diseases can accumulate in a person’s energetic body and make a person depressed and anxious.


What is Hapè? Also known as Rapé

From the indigenous point of view, hapé is a sacred shamanic snuff medicine taken through the nose with profound healing effects. Hapé is made from different medicinal plants for different purposes – to induce visions, to have energy, and to enhance the senses with the aromatic fragrance of the plants used in the blend.
It’s traditionally prepared by a knowledgeable shaman; however, the art of sacred hapé preparation has been passed on to non-indigenous hapé enthusiasts, so you can find makers of high-quality hapé outside tribal communities and in other parts of Brazil.
Sharing rapé was traditionally done in a ritualistic way. Because the medicine can have stimulating or psychoactive effects (depending on what plants were used to make it), receiving hapé can bring about a profound experience of the Forest.
Because the medicine is sacred, the Indians take hapé as a prayer calling upon the forces of Nature, the blessing of the animals of the forest, and power of medicinal plants to heal us and give us strength.
Benefits of Using Rapé
Using rapé powder can have a number of benefits, for instance, it can:
Help with mental illness and even aid in addiction treatment.
Provide a sense of calm that when used on a regular basis can lead to an overall change in mood. It, therefore, helps relieve depression.
Restore the sinuses and respiratory system by removing blockages from the breathing pathway.
Clears your chakras (energy points) by detoxing you both physically and spiritually.
Prepares you for  experiences su h as meditation and sound healing,  by removing bad vibes to help you find your true intention.
Gives an overall sense of clarity to think and focus better.
• increase the effectiveness of spiritual cleansing.

Additional information


Sun 22-Jan-2022